We’re harnessing the collective power of our city and the age-old east side/west side rivalry to see which side of town can donate the most books July 1-August 9, 2024!

“Rules” of the Challenge
  • Donations will be tallied twice a week and progress posted on this page.
  • ALL book donations will be counted. Donate in an outdoor collection bin, at our warehouse, run a book drive and bring us the books, or donate at the local businesses listed below.
  • Winning side gets bragging rights for the year, including a bespoke trophy on display at our warehouse throughout the year.

Where to Donate Books 

Donate at one of our outdoor collection bins or various businesses participating as book collection sites.

photo of large steel blue bin with Kids' Book Bank logo

Our 22 outdoor collection bins are ready for your donations!

Find a bin near you!

Don’t have books but would like to participate? NEW THIS YEAR:
Every $1 donated = 1 book added to your side’s tally! Make a donation and note “east” or “west” in the comments for your side to get credit.

Thank you to these partner businesses that hosted collection bins during the month of July.

Collection at these locations is now closed.

East side

Van Aken District location

Pinecrest location

Beachwood location

Malley's Chocolates logo in brown script

Wilson Mills Rd. location

Chagrin Falls office

Tremont Athletic Club logo

University Circle location

Tremont Athletic Club logo

West side

Crocker Park location

Crocker Park location

Strongsville location

Malley's Chocolates logo in brown script

North Olmsted location

Be a Champion for Your Side of Town

photo of large steel blue bin with Kids' Book Bank logo
  • Run a book drive at work, school, or in your neighborhood.
  • Host a bin to collect books at your business. Email us to request one.
  • Tell friends about the Book Drive Challenge and encourage them to donate.
  • Don’t have books but would like to participate? Make a donation and note “east” or “west” in the comments. For every $1 donated, one book will be added to your side’s tally.
  • Pictures, pictures, pictures! Show us your donation pile, your book drive team, or tell us where you’re donating – tag us on social media @kidsbookbank and #eastvswestbookdrive.

Why We Need Your Books

girl holding the book Island Born at Juneteenth event
  • More than half of our books come from community donations.
  • Books donated locally are better quality and newer titles than those we get in bulk from online used book sellers.
  • Your donated books stay right here in our community, going to kids who will love to own them.
  • Community donations help us keep books and delivery free for our partners.
  • The Kids’ Book Bank distributes an average of 45,000 books every month in Greater Cleveland.

Don’t have books but would like to participate?
Make a donation and note “east” or “west” in the comments. For every $1 donated, one book will be added to your side’s tally!